If you have not heard of the Meteor, that’s just the time has come to explore. Meteor provides you with real-time support for the regime in your applications, as well as providing full-stack development environment for javascript / nodejs. This platform is the most “star” among nodejs-frameworks (also included in the 10 most “star” repository on Github). So what do all these people do wrong?
Adding Angular-Meteor support, Meteor will be a great addition for Angular-developers. Here are a few reasons why developers need to Angular-discover Meteor:
Keeping your skills
Study of Angular passes in one sitting, and you can be a little ride on an emotional roller coaster. Figure out the article has become quite popular and as Angular-developer, you probably have experienced the beauty of these differences:
Now, you know what Angular.js. When you encounter a Meteor in its pure form, you probably think that “this is not the best way to get me back again to the handlebars and the jquery”, or, if you start with Angularjs after Meteor’a – the question would look like this: “I do that, have to learn something new? No way! “. You will not have to; using Angular-Meteor bundle you save all the skills in the Angular, and in turn, get the opportunity to enjoy all the advantages of Meteor.
Full stack, as it should be
MEAN stack – it is only MongoDB, Express, Angular and Node.js collected together, but this bunch is not seamless. The harsh reality is that you need additional tools to do all this work: a framework for testing, assembly system, the deployment environment, and more. All this emerges the developer who has to somehow communicate, given that the way to address this large set of tasks.
As a result, each MEAN -project looks differently. The file structure of your code is also unique, so other developers will take time to sort out all over when they see your project the first time.
Meteor makes it all much easier. Quick Start packaged system and almost transparent deployment drivers for model projects that any developer can see that where there.
Honest code isomorphic
MEAN stack (Mongo, Express, Angualr, Node ) promised to deliver javascript everywhere. Yes, javascript is everywhere, but the code is not always straightforward. It’s true, at least remember how you interact with data from REST-server.
- You create a REST point of application
- You refer to the point of application using $ http.get ( ‘myurl / endpoint’ )
- You add the answer to your model: var data = response;
Operation Meteor and Angular different. You can actually write code that will run on both the client and the server. You do not need to use third-party solutions such as browseify. It is enough to write once: var data = Data.find ( ‘my data’);
Real-Time Applications are easier
There are many reasons why you love Angular. After all he is doing is called a framework superhero. One of the main reasons is the two-way data binding.
Meteor on his side, and provides you with “first class” data binding between the client and the real-time server. This is part of the seven principles of the Meteor: database all the data “on the wire” invisible compensation.
So what Angular or Meteor? Do not choose!
Using Angular-Meteor on the client, and the Meteor on both sides, allows the client and server are on the same line with data binding. Everything is synchronized from the database on the server to the user interface and back.
Using the Meteor, you can really use Angular not only when working with REST-services in your application (or even transport socket), but it can speed up the mechanism for creating a modern single-page applications like Gmail, Google without the need for money.
The story of two communities
During the 6 years of its existence, Angular largely been accepted and built a large community of contributors and developers that expand its ecosystem. At the same time, Meteor-community is also growing, more and more packets are added to the basic package of the MDG (MEteor Development Group). So why play on the same team when you can win on both sides?