What’s a real difference between such terms as outsourcing and outstaffing in the IT industry? Both variants mean cooperation with a remote team. Which variant is more efficient in a matter of cost and time? What benefits do you get with each variant? One thing that you should remember is that the choice of the type of the team will fully depend on what kind of project you plan to build.
What’s a dedicated development team?
When you have a team that deals only with some specific projects from start to finish, you have an outsourced team. When you have a remote team that works as if they were in the neighbouring room, you have a dedicated team. You deal with the team members as if they worked in-house.
Let’s imagine you have a project in progress or you plan to have a short-time one. A great variant here is outsourcing a team or one team player. You get as many people as you need and you get a specific task completed on time.
If you have a long-term project or you want to participate in the choice of developers that will work on the project, hiring a dedicated team is a good option. You will have an opportunity to manage the finance part and the coding section as well.
Pros and cons of outsourcing and outstaffing
Outsourcing pros:
- Don’t care about the hardware and software for the team’s work
- Don’t waste time hiring the coders
- Don’t spend many resources on management
Outsourcing cons:
- You cannot interfere with the project development process
- You may blow the budget
Outstaffing pros:
- You hire experts and you don’t pay a fortune for work
- You’re flexible enough to change the number of team players
- You can supervise the process
- You are in touch with a remote team as if they were in your office
- Low rates
Outstaffing cons:
- You may have problems with communication
- You have a full responsibility for the success of the project
- You may have problems because of time zones difference and languages barriers
How to pick up the right IT outstaffing company
What should you do with all the pros and cons from the lists above? How can you get the maximum benefit? It’s good if you are aware of what kind of team you need for a fast and high-quality project development. If you have any doubts, you may find out how other companies deal with remote teams.
The first thing to consider is a habitual workflow inside of your existing team. If you don’t have a pro team that can supervise the work of a remote team and manage it, outsourcing is a good choice for you. You will get the task done without any need to spend time and costs on a full supervision of the process.
If you have a team of developers but you lack some team players, outstaffing is what you need in such a case. Hiring people remotely for a short or a long period of time will let you reduce costs and save time for building a new app. You can hire a pro developer from any country in the world.
Codemotion: the best team for building your project
Define what kind of tasks you wish to delegate to a remote team and think if you can assess the results of their work. Codemotion team will take care of any part of a big project or complete it from A to Z. We have a team of experienced developers that know which JS technology to choose to make your app stand out.
Working with Codemotion is easy and fun. We always deliver our work on time. A flexible schedule together with regular video calls will let you be the part of the team. What you get is a cost-efficient cooperation together with a high proficiency of every team member. 101% result will let you enter a market niche and get profit.